From the Blog: Dreams ~
From the Blog: Dreams ~
The mythologist, Joseph Campbell, called Dreams our “Personal Myth” and Myth the “Collective Dream.” So while we live inside the myth of the American Dream, we also each inhabit a personal narrative in which we are the hero and villain of our own quest. Being able to read the deep story of our personal myth can have tremendous value as we search for clarity in the confusion of contemporary life. These articles will show you how dreams bring insight to life in ways that nothing else can.
My belief is that the soul - another word for the psyche or the totality of the self - communicates most readily and most frequently through the nightly journey into the realm of dreams. It is no wonder that Freud called dreams the royal road to the unconscious or that Jung spent intense hours unfolding and amplifying the meaning in his own and clients’ dreams. It is because dreams are so valuable for receiving messages from the soul that I encourage all my clients to keep dream journals.
Dream Image: I am climbing down a ladder that is just metal rings bolted into the side of a steep stone wall. It seems to be some kind of chamber, or maybe the cavern left over after mineral excavation. It's enormous, silent and eerie…
In conversation together we have articulated the existential truth that even among couples with long and happy marriages, we can really only be to each other as “ships passing in the night.”
As those of you who have flown Southwest will recall, seats are not assigned. You draw a boarding number and then look for any open seat when you get on. I was about in the middle of the pack so there were plenty of middle seats left when I boarded, and therefore I must assume that some guardian spirit or daimon was guiding my choice when I took the middle seat in row seven next to Emily who was at the window…
I wake up in a small, plain, but neat cottage bedroom. Instinctively I know that I have recently died…
In my dream I am a refugee. I am in a city in old Europe. I have absolutely nothing – no home, no family, no visible means of support…