Counseling Services

Spiritual Life Coach, Life Coach Spiritual, Coach Spiritual, Spiritual Life Coaches, Spiritual Life Coaching, Spirituality Life Coach, Spiritual Coaches, Follow Your Bliss, Soul Therapy, Burnout Therapist, Burnout Therapy, Counselor Burnout

“Sometimes what it takes is another person to witness the seasons of your life journey and offer a helping hand when needed.”

— Rebecca Armstrong



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  • Most of us think we know who we are and what we want yet we constantly surprise ourselves with our bad moods, poor choices, repetitive patterns of self-sabotage, good intentions and bad follow-through. Why?

    Because our Ego thinks it IS the self, when it is only one small voice in a private world peopled with many voices, desires, competing ambitions and hidden fears.

    KNOW THYSELF is the ancient advice that is never old; we can all benefit from greater insight into our soul’s cast of characters.

    The great psychologist, C.G. Jung, said: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

    The secret truth is that you don’t have to be ruled by “fate” - you can have a greater hand in authoring your own life script, but it takes time and effort and the desire to lead an authentic life.

    Working with a trained coach who can help you bring to light those hidden parts of the self can make all the difference between feeling that you are tossed around by the storms of life, or that you are captain of your own ship.

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  • A soul-based approach to finding the work that aligns with the soul.

    “Follow Your Bliss” was the term coined by Joseph Campbell to describe a soul-directed engagement with life. Be forewarned that he later lamented: “I should have said, ‘Follow Your Blisters!”

    Bliss does not mean “blissed out.” It’s about discovering the place where your deep passion meets the world’s needs.

    I have a special focus on the Topic of Bliss on my soul Blog which you can find by clicking the link below.


  • It is a mistake to leave Soul out of love relationships, for there will always be those sudden eruptions of some unexplained need or desire that cannot be met in a romantic partnership.

    Bringing Soul to a marriage or long-term partnership means acknowledging the true solitude that always exists, even between people who feel themselves well-matched.

    The Soul is always growing and if the marriage is not, there will come a moment when a rupture is inevitable. You can learn to read the inner landscape in a way that will allow you to prepare for soul disruptions and weather the storms.

    I have written about Relationships in my Soul Blog - click below.


  • The kind of counseling I do is especially well suited for people of a certain age - those who have reached mid-life and beyond and are actively searching for a greater sense of meaning and purpose.

    The tools for self-reflection that I’ve developed can lead to greater peace, renewed sense of purpose, reigniting of passion, release of old baggage, and a deeper understanding of your place in the world.



Online Spiritual Counseling, Spiritual Counseling Online, Whole Soul Counseling, Spiritual Counseling Services, Find A Spiritual Life Coach, Spiritual Coaching Services, Soul Purpose Coaching, Spiritual Healing Coach, Soul Purpose Coach


  • You set the direction of our soul work together by sharing your perception of what is blocking you from moving towards your desired life.

    I give you a full hour of attentive listening and feedback from my mythopoetic and ministerial background. I send a follow-up email sometime during the week to further open up trains of thought that emerged during our session. Sometimes I have dream images that seem to relate to soulwork we’re doing.

    Very often I run across some quote or image or video or poem that seems to speak directly to what we are working on together, so this allows the conversation to continue through the week.

    If you are willing and able I will encourage you to explore specific types of journaling or active imagination in order to open up issues that you’re working on.

    Since the start of the pandemic I’ve been meeting exclusively online, using Zoom or other services. If you’d prefer not to have the visual component we can have our session via phone.

    I live in the Midwest but am happy to work with clients anywhere in the world.

  • In my experience it takes at least six sessions to make progress towards establishing new attitudes, exploring new methods for self-reflection, and examining old beliefs and getting free of them.

    For that reason I offer special discounts for those willing to commit to at least six sessions.

    Some of my clients I have worked with for years, others for several months. In all cases it is the relationship that we are able to create that makes room for the soul to reveal itself.

    If you might be interested in working with me, let’s set up a complimentary phone call or Zoom session, just to see if we hit it off.

  • The fee for each 60-minute session is $150. For those willing to commit to six sessions I offer six-for-the-price-of-five, or $750 for six sessions. This can be paid in two installments if you prefer.

    I do not accept insurance, but if you would like to do counseling and cannot afford the full fee, please contact me and we can discuss a lower fee.