Working with Dreams

Five free sessions of dream work with Dr. Armstrong to explore the message of your personal myth as it manifests in the dreamworld. The intention is to expand your own capacity to play with the helpful images of the dream and deepen your appreciation for the truth-telling of dreams and their impact on our lives.

You may choose to do weekly dream sessions, bi-weekly sessions, or monthly sessions. The offer of free dreamwork is good beginning in March of 2024 through October of 2024.

Joseph Campbell called dreams “the private myth” and myth, he said, is “the collective dream.”

Especially in turbulent times when the social story is losing its power to enthrall, the dreams of individuals may become quite active, as if we were all trying to contribute to the drafting of a new script ~ A new myth to live by. Many cultures did, and still do, perceive the social value of dreams, and individuals are invited to share their dreams the way we look to our artists and authors and playwrights - as inspiration for our new collective story. Your individual dreams are each like a precious short story or vignette that offers new imagination on what might be.

Discovering the parade of characters and the dramatic narrative playing out in your own inner landscape, you can begin to find the myth that you are currently living and choose whether it is the drama that your soul truly wants to play out, or if there are other yearnings that should be welcomed on to the stage of life.

If you are not someone who often remembers dreams, there are many ways of opening up windows to the soul. Sometimes we still remember a dream from long ago - and the very fact that it still haunts your memory is good reason to lift it up again for interpretation.

You are never without an avenue of communication between the conscious mind and the unconscious - and the unconscious is not a scary place, but the rich ground of so much potential for expanding your lived life. We do not try to “interpret” the dream the way you had to analyze poetry in high school (shudder!) but rather we follow the images, metaphors, wordplay, characters, and clues of the dream to see where the hidden springs of energy are moving in the psyche.

Ideally, you’ll have a dream or two to bring with you to the session. But if you’re someone who does not record dreams, then we will use a writing prompt or a guided meditation to bring out some of your inner images, characters, and landscapes to work with in our session. Or, you may be someone who notices synchronicities - another wonderful way that the unconscious signals things of importance to us - or perhaps you love your Tarot deck or work with the I Ching - all great ways to bring something to our meeting.

The goal of our time together is to create a feast for your soul ~ to come away feeling well fed and filled with ideas and inspiration for the next chapter of your life!

Each dream is like a precious short story, poem or vignette, a painting or map that offers new imagination on what has been and what might be.